Bachynski Coffee
We love coffee and just want you to love it too (or at least not hate it).

Bachynski Coffee is a tiny little "company" that consists of a guy who started roasting coffee as a hobby and his fiance who puts up with his obsession.
We created Bachynski Coffee to have some fun and hopefully keep all the requests from our friends and family easier to track/manage. We don't plan to advertise or try to compete with the "real" roasters out there (a.k.a. the ones who actually know what they're doing).
If you're here because you're one of the people whom I wouldn't stop talking about coffee to - THANK YOU!
If somehow you don't know who we are and stumbled here on your own - THANK YOU TOO!
We can't promise our coffees will be the best you've ever had, but we're pretty sure they won't be the worst either.